211 Egramia Color Palette

What are the .ASE files?

The .ASE file (Adobe Swatch Exchange) is a file format that introduced in Creative Suite 2 to share color swatches between the Creative Suite 2 applications for color management.  They describe color information in the form of color palettes comprised by swatches. They retain compatibility with any future versions so you can create and load these files through various Adobe applications like Illustrator, InDesign, Kuler etc. independent of their version number.

Swatches from an ASE file

ASE files help import and export color swatches across applications like Adobe Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop. You can import .ase files to load color groups in the swatches panel. Color groups can also be saved as .ase files from the Swatches flyout. Similarly, if the color groups are saved from Illustrator, they can be loaded inside InDesign and vice versa.

How to load swatches (Color Palettes)

  1. Select Load Swatches from the Swatches panel menu.
  2. Select the saved .ase file. Click Open.

How to save swatches (Color Palettes)

You can save a color swatch or color group as a .ase file.

  1. Select the color group or swatch.
  2. From the flyout menu, select Save Swatches.
  3. Enter the name of the .ase file. Click Save.
211 Egramia Color Palette
211 Egramia Color Palette

Color 1 Info of Egramia Color Palette

HTTP = #272C42
Web safe = #333333
RGB 0-255 = 39.00 44.00 66.00
RGB 0-FF = 27 2C 42
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.15294 0.17255 0.25882
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.84706 0.82745 0.74118
CMYK % = 40.909 33.333 0.000 74.118
XYZ = 2.721 2.626 5.518
Yxy = 2.626 0.25043 0.24171
CIE-L*ab = 18.479 4.334 -14.564
CIE-L*CH = 18.479 15.195 286.571
CIE-L*uv = 18.479 -2.961 -15.726
HunterLab = 16.205 1.610 -8.844

Color 2 Info of Egramia Color Palette

HTTP = #EE948C
Web safe = #FF9999
RGB 0-255 = 238.00 148.00 140.00
RGB 0-FF = EE 94 8C
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.93333 0.58039 0.54902
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.06667 0.41961 0.45098
CMYK % = 0.000 37.815 41.176 6.667
XYZ = 50.583 41.250 30.107
Yxy = 41.250 0.41482 0.33828
CIE-L*ab = 70.351 32.989 18.585
CIE-L*CH = 70.351 37.863 29.395
CIE-L*uv = 70.351 62.655 18.633
HunterLab = 64.226 28.187 17.166

Color 3 Info of Egramia Color Palette

HTTP = #FF954B
Web safe = #FF9933
RGB 0-255 = 255.00 149.00 75.00
RGB 0-FF = FF 95 4B
RGB 0-0.1 = 1.00000 0.58431 0.29412
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.00000 0.41569 0.70588
CMYK % = 0.000 41.569 70.588 0.000
XYZ = 53.257 43.263 12.200
Yxy = 43.263 0.48986 0.39793
CIE-L*ab = 71.733 34.049 54.844
CIE-L*CH = 71.733 64.554 58.167
CIE-L*uv = 71.733 84.399 54.728
HunterLab = 65.775 29.425 35.045

Color 4 Info of Egramia Color Palette

HTTP = #D64001
Web safe = #CC3300
RGB 0-255 = 214.00 64.00 1.00
RGB 0-FF = D6 40 01
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.83922 0.25098 0.00392
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.16078 0.74902 0.99608
CMYK % = 0.000 70.093 99.533 16.078
XYZ = 29.570 17.965 1.938
Yxy = 17.965 0.59770 0.36313
CIE-L*ab = 49.454 56.671 60.634
CIE-L*CH = 49.454 82.995 46.935
CIE-L*uv = 49.454 122.245 39.875
HunterLab = 42.385 50.358 26.959

Color 5 Info of Egramia Color Palette

Web safe = #99CCCC
RGB 0-255 = 178.00 189.00 219.00
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.69804 0.74118 0.85882
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.30196 0.25882 0.14118
CMYK % = 18.721 13.699 0.000 14.118
XYZ = 49.344 50.975 74.256
Yxy = 50.975 0.28265 0.29199
CIE-L*ab = 76.664 2.442 -16.279
CIE-L*CH = 76.664 16.461 278.530
CIE-L*uv = 76.664 -7.432 -25.732
HunterLab = 71.397 -1.578 -11.687

Color 6 Info of Egramia Color Palette

Web safe = #CCCCCC
RGB 0-255 = 205.00 186.00 179.00
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.80392 0.72941 0.70196
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.19608 0.27059 0.29804
CMYK % = 0.000 9.268 12.683 19.608
XYZ = 50.872 51.352 49.878
Yxy = 51.352 0.33446 0.33761
CIE-L*ab = 76.892 5.567 5.983
CIE-L*CH = 76.892 8.172 47.062
CIE-L*uv = 76.892 11.770 7.735
HunterLab = 71.660 1.314 8.894

Color 7 Info of Egramia Color Palette

HTTP = #262922
Web safe = #333333
RGB 0-255 = 38.00 41.00 34.00
RGB 0-FF = 26 29 22
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.14902 0.16078 0.13333
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.85098 0.83922 0.86667
CMYK % = 7.317 0.000 17.073 83.922
XYZ = 1.881 2.113 1.822
Yxy = 2.113 0.32338 0.36335
CIE-L*ab = 16.072 -2.995 4.139
CIE-L*CH = 16.072 5.109 125.893
CIE-L*uv = 16.072 -1.078 3.921
HunterLab = 14.538 -2.345 2.745

Color 8 Info of Egramia Color Palette

Web safe = #FFCC99
RGB 0-255 = 255.00 205.00 178.00
RGB 0-0.1 = 1.00000 0.80392 0.69804
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.00000 0.19608 0.30196
CMYK % = 0.000 19.608 30.196 0.000
XYZ = 71.107 68.137 51.523
Yxy = 68.137 0.37274 0.35717
CIE-L*ab = 86.075 13.924 20.139
CIE-L*CH = 86.075 24.484 55.342
CIE-L*uv = 86.075 33.700 25.895
HunterLab = 82.545 9.312 20.774

Color 9 Info of Egramia Color Palette

HTTP = #7C4C42
Web safe = #663333
RGB 0-255 = 124.00 76.00 66.00
RGB 0-FF = 7C 4C 42
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.48627 0.29804 0.25882
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.51373 0.70196 0.74118
CMYK % = 0.000 38.710 46.774 51.373
XYZ = 11.880 9.847 6.429
Yxy = 9.847 0.42193 0.34974
CIE-L*ab = 37.567 19.102 14.478
CIE-L*CH = 37.567 23.968 37.160
CIE-L*uv = 37.567 33.121 13.246
HunterLab = 31.380 12.661 9.820

Color 10 Info of Egramia Color Palette

HTTP = #89700B
Web safe = #996600
RGB 0-255 = 137.00 112.00 11.00
RGB 0-FF = 89 70 0B
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.53725 0.43922 0.04314
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.46275 0.56078 0.95686
CMYK % = 0.000 18.248 91.971 46.275
XYZ = 16.171 16.931 2.732
Yxy = 16.931 0.45127 0.47248
CIE-L*ab = 48.173 0.451 52.089
CIE-L*CH = 48.173 52.091 89.504
CIE-L*uv = 48.173 21.644 49.557
HunterLab = 41.147 -1.856 24.866

Below we present you the templates that use Egramia Color Palette as color theme!