226 Bozaqua Color Palette

What are the .ASE files?

The .ASE file (Adobe Swatch Exchange) is a file format that introduced in Creative Suite 2 to share color swatches between the Creative Suite 2 applications for color management.  They describe color information in the form of color palettes comprised by swatches. They retain compatibility with any future versions so you can create and load these files through various Adobe applications like Illustrator, InDesign, Kuler etc. independent of their version number.

Swatches from an ASE file

ASE files help import and export color swatches across applications like Adobe Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop. You can import .ase files to load color groups in the swatches panel. Color groups can also be saved as .ase files from the Swatches flyout. Similarly, if the color groups are saved from Illustrator, they can be loaded inside InDesign and vice versa.

How to load swatches (Color Palettes)

  1. Select Load Swatches from the Swatches panel menu.
  2. Select the saved .ase file. Click Open.

How to save swatches (Color Palettes)

You can save a color swatch or color group as a .ase file.

  1. Select the color group or swatch.
  2. From the flyout menu, select Save Swatches.
  3. Enter the name of the .ase file. Click Save.
226 Bozaqua Color Palette
226 Bozaqua Color Palette

Color 1 Info of Bozaqua Color Palette

HTTP = #023864
Web safe = #003366
RGB 0-255 = 2.00 56.00 100.00
RGB 0-FF = 02 38 64
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.00784 0.21961 0.39216
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.99216 0.78039 0.60784
CMYK % = 98.000 44.000 0.000 60.784
XYZ = 3.739 3.761 12.586
Yxy = 3.761 0.18617 0.18726
CIE-L*ab = 22.866 2.530 -30.413
CIE-L*CH = 22.866 30.518 274.755
CIE-L*uv = 22.866 -13.400 -36.447
HunterLab = 19.394 0.477 -24.899

Color 2 Info of Bozaqua Color Palette

HTTP = #0089CD
Web safe = #0099CC
RGB 0-255 = 0.00 137.00 205.00
RGB 0-FF = 00 89 CD
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.00000 0.53725 0.80392
CMY 0-0.1 = 1.00000 0.46275 0.19608
CMYK % = 100.000 33.171 0.000 19.608
XYZ = 19.965 22.299 61.009
Yxy = 22.299 0.19332 0.21592
CIE-L*ab = 54.343 -5.980 -43.602
CIE-L*CH = 54.343 44.010 262.190
CIE-L*uv = 54.343 -34.798 -67.073
HunterLab = 47.222 -7.170 -43.546

Color 3 Info of Bozaqua Color Palette

HTTP = #A42E44
Web safe = #993333
RGB 0-255 = 164.00 46.00 68.00
RGB 0-FF = A4 2E 44
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.64314 0.18039 0.26667
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.35686 0.81961 0.73333
CMYK % = 0.000 71.951 58.537 35.686
XYZ = 17.330 10.264 6.537
Yxy = 10.264 0.50776 0.30072
CIE-L*ab = 38.312 49.422 15.330
CIE-L*CH = 38.312 51.745 17.233
CIE-L*uv = 38.312 82.324 7.750
HunterLab = 32.037 40.493 10.329

Color 4 Info of Bozaqua Color Palette

HTTP = #5A4300
Web safe = #663300
RGB 0-255 = 90.00 67.00 0.00
RGB 0-FF = 5A 43 00
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.35294 0.26275 0.00000
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.64706 0.73725 1.00000
CMYK % = 0.000 25.556 100.000 64.706
XYZ = 6.224 6.188 0.866
Yxy = 6.188 0.46872 0.46603
CIE-L*ab = 29.882 3.763 39.128
CIE-L*CH = 29.882 39.309 84.507
CIE-L*uv = 29.882 18.290 30.915
HunterLab = 24.876 1.126 15.348

Color 5 Info of Bozaqua Color Palette

HTTP = #472A3C
Web safe = #333333
RGB 0-255 = 71.00 42.00 60.00
RGB 0-FF = 47 2A 3C
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.27843 0.16471 0.23529
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.72157 0.83529 0.76471
CMYK % = 0.000 40.845 15.493 72.157
XYZ = 4.242 3.322 4.693
Yxy = 3.322 0.34611 0.27102
CIE-L*ab = 21.289 16.630 -5.829
CIE-L*CH = 21.289 17.622 340.683
CIE-L*uv = 21.289 14.159 -8.201
HunterLab = 18.226 9.652 -2.507

Color 6 Info of Bozaqua Color Palette

HTTP = #DA6146
Web safe = #CC6633
RGB 0-255 = 218.00 97.00 70.00
RGB 0-FF = DA 61 46
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.85490 0.38039 0.27451
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.14510 0.61961 0.72549
CMYK % = 0.000 55.505 67.890 14.510
XYZ = 34.294 23.897 8.599
Yxy = 23.897 0.51345 0.35779
CIE-L*ab = 55.985 45.677 38.302
CIE-L*CH = 55.985 59.611 39.981
CIE-L*uv = 55.985 94.541 33.129
HunterLab = 48.885 39.674 23.789

Color 7 Info of Bozaqua Color Palette

HTTP = #FE641A
Web safe = #FF6633
RGB 0-255 = 254.00 100.00 26.00
RGB 0-FF = FE 64 1A
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.99608 0.39216 0.10196
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.00392 0.60784 0.89804
CMYK % = 0.000 60.630 89.764 0.392
XYZ = 45.617 30.260 4.414
Yxy = 30.260 0.56815 0.37688
CIE-L*ab = 61.878 55.790 65.568
CIE-L*CH = 61.878 86.092 49.607
CIE-L*uv = 61.878 127.110 50.510
HunterLab = 55.009 51.757 33.749

Color 8 Info of Bozaqua Color Palette

Web safe = #FFCC99
RGB 0-255 = 234.00 184.00 175.00
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.91765 0.72157 0.68627
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.08235 0.27843 0.31373
CMYK % = 0.000 21.368 25.214 8.235
XYZ = 58.810 54.869 48.049
Yxy = 54.869 0.36364 0.33927
CIE-L*ab = 78.965 16.730 11.467
CIE-L*CH = 78.965 20.283 34.429
CIE-L*uv = 78.965 32.278 13.319
HunterLab = 74.073 12.091 13.392

Color 9 Info of Bozaqua Color Palette

HTTP = #F7E3E2
Web safe = #FFCCCC
RGB 0-255 = 247.00 227.00 226.00
RGB 0-FF = F7 E3 E2
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.96863 0.89020 0.88627
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.03137 0.10980 0.11373
CMYK % = 0.000 8.097 8.502 3.137
XYZ = 79.554 80.203 83.239
Yxy = 80.203 0.32739 0.33006
CIE-L*ab = 91.776 6.655 2.946
CIE-L*CH = 91.776 7.278 23.879
CIE-L*uv = 91.776 11.728 3.261
HunterLab = 89.556 1.841 7.582

Color 10 Info of Bozaqua Color Palette

HTTP = #BF5466
Web safe = #CC6666
RGB 0-255 = 191.00 84.00 102.00
RGB 0-FF = BF 54 66
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.74902 0.32941 0.40000
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.25098 0.67059 0.60000
CMYK % = 0.000 56.021 46.597 25.098
XYZ = 27.054 18.376 14.691
Yxy = 18.376 0.44999 0.30565
CIE-L*ab = 49.949 44.640 11.125
CIE-L*CH = 49.949 46.006 13.994
CIE-L*uv = 49.949 74.175 5.581
HunterLab = 42.868 37.636 9.688

Below we present you the templates that use Bozaqua Color Palette as color theme!