232 Stalla Color Palette

What are the .ASE files?

The .ASE file (Adobe Swatch Exchange) is a file format that introduced in Creative Suite 2 to share color swatches between the Creative Suite 2 applications for color management.  They describe color information in the form of color palettes comprised by swatches. They retain compatibility with any future versions so you can create and load these files through various Adobe applications like Illustrator, InDesign, Kuler etc. independent of their version number.

Swatches from an ASE file

ASE files help import and export color swatches across applications like Adobe Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop. You can import .ase files to load color groups in the swatches panel. Color groups can also be saved as .ase files from the Swatches flyout. Similarly, if the color groups are saved from Illustrator, they can be loaded inside InDesign and vice versa.

How to load swatches (Color Palettes)

  1. Select Load Swatches from the Swatches panel menu.
  2. Select the saved .ase file. Click Open.

How to save swatches (Color Palettes)

You can save a color swatch or color group as a .ase file.

  1. Select the color group or swatch.
  2. From the flyout menu, select Save Swatches.
  3. Enter the name of the .ase file. Click Save.
232 Stalla Color Palette
232 Stalla Color Palette

Color 1 Info of Stalla Color Palette

HTTP = #D5867F
Web safe = #CC9966
RGB 0-255 = 213.00 134.00 127.00
RGB 0-FF = D5 86 7F
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.83529 0.52549 0.49804
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.16471 0.47451 0.50196
CMYK % = 0.000 37.089 40.376 16.471
XYZ = 39.796 32.729 24.298
Yxy = 32.729 0.41102 0.33802
CIE-L*ab = 63.941 29.486 16.517
CIE-L*CH = 63.941 33.797 29.256
CIE-L*uv = 63.941 54.760 16.332
HunterLab = 57.209 24.055 14.864

Color 2 Info of Stalla Color Palette

Web safe = #CCCCCC
RGB 0-255 = 190.00 229.00 224.00
RGB 0-FF = BE E5 E0
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.74510 0.89804 0.87843
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.25490 0.10196 0.12157
CMYK % = 17.031 0.000 2.183 10.196
XYZ = 62.709 72.368 81.184
Yxy = 72.368 0.28997 0.33463
CIE-L*ab = 88.145 -13.623 -1.796
CIE-L*CH = 88.145 13.741 187.511
CIE-L*uv = 88.145 -20.182 -0.420
HunterLab = 85.069 -17.289 2.966

Color 3 Info of Stalla Color Palette

HTTP = #8D98AA
Web safe = #999999
RGB 0-255 = 141.00 152.00 170.00
RGB 0-FF = 8D 98 AA
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.55294 0.59608 0.66667
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.44706 0.40392 0.33333
CMYK % = 17.059 10.588 0.000 33.333
XYZ = 29.468 31.021 42.465
Yxy = 31.021 0.28623 0.30131
CIE-L*ab = 62.526 -0.063 -10.734
CIE-L*CH = 62.526 10.734 269.662
CIE-L*uv = 62.526 -6.818 -15.936
HunterLab = 55.697 -3.028 -6.216

Color 4 Info of Stalla Color Palette

Web safe = #FFFFFF
RGB 0-255 = 255.00 255.00 255.00
RGB 0-0.1 = 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
CMYK % = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
XYZ = 95.050 100.000 108.900
Yxy = 100.000 0.31272 0.32900
CIE-L*ab = 100.000 0.005 -0.010
CIE-L*CH = 100.000 0.012 296.813
CIE-L*uv = 100.000 0.001 -0.017
HunterLab = 100.000 -5.336 5.433

Color 5 Info of Stalla Color Palette

HTTP = #281818
Web safe = #330000
RGB 0-255 = 40.00 24.00 24.00
RGB 0-FF = 28 18 18
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.15686 0.09412 0.09412
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.84314 0.90588 0.90588
CMYK % = 0.000 40.000 40.000 84.314
XYZ = 1.367 1.170 1.018
Yxy = 1.170 0.38442 0.32921
CIE-L*ab = 10.337 8.062 3.274
CIE-L*CH = 10.337 8.701 22.106
CIE-L*uv = 10.337 6.840 1.474
HunterLab = 10.818 3.617 1.993

Color 6 Info of Stalla Color Palette

HTTP = #B6B2C0
Web safe = #CC99CC
RGB 0-255 = 182.00 178.00 192.00
RGB 0-FF = B6 B2 C0
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.71373 0.69804 0.75294
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.28627 0.30196 0.24706
CMYK % = 5.208 7.292 0.000 24.706
XYZ = 44.726 45.592 56.312
Yxy = 45.592 0.30503 0.31093
CIE-L*ab = 73.280 4.079 -6.607
CIE-L*CH = 73.280 7.765 301.693
CIE-L*uv = 73.280 1.418 -10.640
HunterLab = 67.522 0.075 -2.182

Color 7 Info of Stalla Color Palette

HTTP = #5E2A1D
Web safe = #663333
RGB 0-255 = 94.00 42.00 29.00
RGB 0-FF = 5E 2A 1D
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.36863 0.16471 0.11373
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.63137 0.83529 0.88627
CMYK % = 0.000 55.319 69.149 63.137
XYZ = 5.666 4.124 1.660
Yxy = 4.124 0.49483 0.36020
CIE-L*ab = 24.078 22.568 19.510
CIE-L*CH = 24.078 29.832 40.843
CIE-L*uv = 24.078 35.907 13.640
HunterLab = 20.308 14.260 9.370

Color 8 Info of Stalla Color Palette

HTTP = #4B3029
Web safe = #333333
RGB 0-255 = 75.00 48.00 41.00
RGB 0-FF = 4B 30 29
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.29412 0.18824 0.16078
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.70588 0.81176 0.83922
CMYK % = 0.000 36.000 45.333 70.588
XYZ = 4.359 3.770 2.596
Yxy = 3.770 0.40644 0.35152
CIE-L*ab = 22.896 11.317 9.500
CIE-L*CH = 22.896 14.776 40.011
CIE-L*uv = 22.896 16.660 7.612
HunterLab = 19.416 6.094 5.665

Color 9 Info of Stalla Color Palette

Web safe = #FFCCCC
RGB 0-255 = 255.00 211.00 192.00
RGB 0-FF = FF D3 C0
RGB 0-0.1 = 1.00000 0.82745 0.75294
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.00000 0.17255 0.24706
CMYK % = 0.000 17.255 24.706 0.000
XYZ = 74.049 71.654 59.797
Yxy = 71.654 0.36033 0.34868
CIE-L*ab = 87.802 12.654 15.185
CIE-L*CH = 87.802 19.767 50.196
CIE-L*uv = 87.802 28.713 19.609
HunterLab = 84.649 8.012 17.371

Color 10 Info of Stalla Color Palette

HTTP = #F5E3D9
Web safe = #FFCCCC
RGB 0-255 = 245.00 227.00 217.00
RGB 0-FF = F5 E3 D9
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.96078 0.89020 0.85098
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.03922 0.10980 0.14902
CMYK % = 0.000 7.347 11.429 3.922
XYZ = 77.650 79.360 76.871
Yxy = 79.360 0.33200 0.33932
CIE-L*ab = 91.397 4.498 7.081
CIE-L*CH = 91.397 8.389 57.578
CIE-L*uv = 91.397 11.180 9.801
HunterLab = 89.084 -0.310 11.198

Below we present you the templates that use Stalla Color Palette as color theme!