235 Amygdalea Color Palette

What are the .ASE files?

The .ASE file (Adobe Swatch Exchange) is a file format that introduced in Creative Suite 2 to share color swatches between the Creative Suite 2 applications for color management.  They describe color information in the form of color palettes comprised by swatches. They retain compatibility with any future versions so you can create and load these files through various Adobe applications like Illustrator, InDesign, Kuler etc. independent of their version number.

Swatches from an ASE file

ASE files help import and export color swatches across applications like Adobe Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop. You can import .ase files to load color groups in the swatches panel. Color groups can also be saved as .ase files from the Swatches flyout. Similarly, if the color groups are saved from Illustrator, they can be loaded inside InDesign and vice versa.

How to load swatches (Color Palettes)

  1. Select Load Swatches from the Swatches panel menu.
  2. Select the saved .ase file. Click Open.

How to save swatches (Color Palettes)

You can save a color swatch or color group as a .ase file.

  1. Select the color group or swatch.
  2. From the flyout menu, select Save Swatches.
  3. Enter the name of the .ase file. Click Save.
235 Amygdalea Color Palette
235 Amygdalea Color Palette

Color 1 Info of Amygdalea Color Palette

HTTP = #4F3D27
Web safe = #663333
RGB 0-255 = 79.00 61.00 39.00
RGB 0-FF = 4F 3D 27
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.30980 0.23922 0.15294
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.69020 0.76078 0.84706
CMYK % = 0.000 22.785 50.633 69.020
XYZ = 5.259 5.146 2.636
Yxy = 5.146 0.40329 0.39461
CIE-L*ab = 27.147 4.552 16.538
CIE-L*CH = 27.147 17.153 74.609
CIE-L*uv = 27.147 12.345 15.613
HunterLab = 22.685 1.684 8.991

Color 2 Info of Amygdalea Color Palette

HTTP = #898967
Web safe = #999966
RGB 0-255 = 137.00 137.00 103.00
RGB 0-FF = 89 89 67
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.53725 0.53725 0.40392
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.46275 0.46275 0.59608
CMYK % = 0.000 0.000 24.818 46.275
XYZ = 21.710 24.189 16.357
Yxy = 24.189 0.34873 0.38854
CIE-L*ab = 56.276 -5.895 18.296
CIE-L*CH = 56.276 19.222 107.858
CIE-L*uv = 56.276 1.780 24.672
HunterLab = 49.182 -7.274 14.709

Color 3 Info of Amygdalea Color Palette

HTTP = #432A0C
Web safe = #333300
RGB 0-255 = 67.00 42.00 12.00
RGB 0-FF = 43 2A 0C
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.26275 0.16471 0.04706
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.73725 0.83529 0.95294
CMYK % = 0.000 37.313 82.090 73.725
XYZ = 3.209 2.876 0.734
Yxy = 2.876 0.47063 0.42175
CIE-L*ab = 19.539 8.416 23.193
CIE-L*CH = 19.539 24.673 70.055
CIE-L*uv = 19.539 16.909 16.459
HunterLab = 16.958 4.102 9.305

Color 4 Info of Amygdalea Color Palette

HTTP = #4E6C6C
Web safe = #666666
RGB 0-255 = 78.00 108.00 108.00
RGB 0-FF = 4E 6C 6C
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.30588 0.42353 0.42353
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.69412 0.57647 0.57647
CMYK % = 27.778 0.000 0.000 57.647
XYZ = 11.211 13.428 16.188
Yxy = 13.428 0.27460 0.32889
CIE-L*ab = 43.400 -10.825 -3.538
CIE-L*CH = 43.400 11.388 198.097
CIE-L*uv = 43.400 -14.751 -3.189
HunterLab = 36.644 -9.514 -0.542

Color 5 Info of Amygdalea Color Palette

HTTP = #B6B9A6
Web safe = #CCCC99
RGB 0-255 = 182.00 185.00 166.00
RGB 0-FF = B6 B9 A6
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.71373 0.72549 0.65098
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.28627 0.27451 0.34902
CMYK % = 1.622 0.000 10.270 27.451
XYZ = 43.523 47.396 42.931
Yxy = 47.396 0.32516 0.35410
CIE-L*ab = 74.442 -4.451 9.279
CIE-L*CH = 74.442 10.291 115.624
CIE-L*uv = 74.442 -0.713 14.138
HunterLab = 68.845 -7.632 11.219

Color 6 Info of Amygdalea Color Palette

Web safe = #CCCCCC
RGB 0-255 = 187.00 192.00 185.00
RGB 0-FF = BB C0 B9
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.73333 0.75294 0.72549
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.26667 0.24706 0.27451
CMYK % = 2.604 0.000 3.646 24.706
XYZ = 48.100 51.767 53.356
Yxy = 51.767 0.31392 0.33785
CIE-L*ab = 77.141 -3.022 2.911
CIE-L*CH = 77.141 4.196 136.076
CIE-L*uv = 77.141 -2.451 4.832
HunterLab = 71.949 -6.579 6.396

Color 7 Info of Amygdalea Color Palette

HTTP = #999D86
Web safe = #999999
RGB 0-255 = 153.00 157.00 134.00
RGB 0-FF = 99 9D 86
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.60000 0.61569 0.52549
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.40000 0.38431 0.47451
CMYK % = 2.548 0.000 14.650 38.431
XYZ = 29.497 32.607 27.293
Yxy = 32.607 0.32995 0.36475
CIE-L*ab = 63.842 -5.627 11.554
CIE-L*CH = 63.842 12.851 115.967
CIE-L*uv = 63.842 -1.124 16.912
HunterLab = 57.103 -7.725 11.633

Color 8 Info of Amygdalea Color Palette

HTTP = #5C6E6E
Web safe = #666666
RGB 0-255 = 92.00 110.00 110.00
RGB 0-FF = 5C 6E 6E
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.36078 0.43137 0.43137
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.63922 0.56863 0.56863
CMYK % = 16.364 0.000 0.000 56.863
XYZ = 12.804 14.553 16.886
Yxy = 14.553 0.28940 0.32893
CIE-L*ab = 45.016 -6.685 -2.254
CIE-L*CH = 45.016 7.054 198.631
CIE-L*uv = 45.016 -9.401 -2.036
HunterLab = 38.148 -6.848 0.460

Color 9 Info of Amygdalea Color Palette

HTTP = #E3E1D4
Web safe = #CCCCCC
RGB 0-255 = 227.00 225.00 212.00
RGB 0-FF = E3 E1 D4
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.89020 0.88235 0.83137
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.10980 0.11765 0.16863
CMYK % = 0.000 0.881 6.608 10.980
XYZ = 70.487 74.935 73.036
Yxy = 74.935 0.32266 0.34302
CIE-L*ab = 89.362 -1.569 6.585
CIE-L*CH = 89.362 6.769 103.405
CIE-L*uv = 89.362 1.874 10.161
HunterLab = 86.565 -6.141 10.572

Color 10 Info of Amygdalea Color Palette

HTTP = #101008
Web safe = #000000
RGB 0-255 = 16.00 16.00 8.00
RGB 0-FF = 10 10 08
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.06275 0.06275 0.03137
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.93725 0.93725 0.96863
CMYK % = 0.000 0.000 50.000 93.725
XYZ = 0.443 0.498 0.303
Yxy = 0.498 0.35606 0.40066
CIE-L*ab = 4.501 -1.261 3.432
CIE-L*CH = 4.501 3.657 110.175
CIE-L*uv = 4.501 0.168 2.331
HunterLab = 7.059 -1.156 2.400

Below we present you the templates that use Amygdalea Color Palette as color theme!