296 Quarma Color Palette

What are the .ASE files?

The .ASE file (Adobe Swatch Exchange) is a file format that introduced in Creative Suite 2 to share color swatches between the Creative Suite 2 applications for color management.  They describe color information in the form of color palettes comprised by swatches. They retain compatibility with any future versions so you can create and load these files through various Adobe applications like Illustrator, InDesign, Kuler etc. independent of their version number.

Swatches from an ASE file

ASE files help import and export color swatches across applications like Adobe Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop. You can import .ase files to load color groups in the swatches panel. Color groups can also be saved as .ase files from the Swatches flyout. Similarly, if the color groups are saved from Illustrator, they can be loaded inside InDesign and vice versa.

How to load swatches (Color Palettes)

  1. Select Load Swatches from the Swatches panel menu.
  2. Select the saved .ase file. Click Open.

How to save swatches (Color Palettes)

You can save a color swatch or color group as a .ase file.

  1. Select the color group or swatch.
  2. From the flyout menu, select Save Swatches.
  3. Enter the name of the .ase file. Click Save.
296 Quarma Color Palette
296 Quarma Color Palette

Color 1 Info of Quarma Color Palette

Web safe = #CCCC66
RGB 0-255 = 205.00 202.00 123.00
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.80392 0.79216 0.48235
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.19608 0.20784 0.51765
CMYK % = 0.000 1.463 40.000 19.608
XYZ = 49.873 56.650 27.045
Yxy = 56.650 0.37339 0.42413
CIE-L*ab = 79.982 -10.434 39.767
CIE-L*CH = 79.982 41.113 104.701
CIE-L*uv = 79.982 5.785 53.566
HunterLab = 75.266 -13.440 31.382

Color 2 Info of Quarma Color Palette

HTTP = #C5A342
Web safe = #CC9933
RGB 0-255 = 197.00 163.00 66.00
RGB 0-FF = C5 A3 42
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.77255 0.63922 0.25882
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.22745 0.36078 0.74118
CMYK % = 0.000 17.259 66.497 22.745
XYZ = 37.107 38.458 10.622
Yxy = 38.458 0.43054 0.44622
CIE-L*ab = 68.357 1.825 53.375
CIE-L*CH = 68.357 53.406 88.041
CIE-L*uv = 68.357 28.417 60.061
HunterLab = 62.015 -1.720 33.255

Color 3 Info of Quarma Color Palette

Web safe = #CCCC99
RGB 0-255 = 201.00 206.00 174.00
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.78824 0.80784 0.68235
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.21176 0.19216 0.31765
CMYK % = 2.427 0.000 15.534 19.216
XYZ = 53.799 59.616 48.716
Yxy = 59.616 0.33182 0.36770
CIE-L*ab = 81.629 -7.214 15.358
CIE-L*CH = 81.629 16.968 115.162
CIE-L*uv = 81.629 -1.241 23.370
HunterLab = 77.211 -10.747 16.639

Color 4 Info of Quarma Color Palette

HTTP = #E7E9E8
Web safe = #FFFFFF
RGB 0-255 = 231.00 233.00 232.00
RGB 0-FF = E7 E9 E8
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.90588 0.91373 0.90980
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.09412 0.08627 0.09020
CMYK % = 0.858 0.000 0.429 8.627
XYZ = 76.659 81.093 87.956
Yxy = 81.093 0.31199 0.33004
CIE-L*ab = 92.173 -0.842 0.240
CIE-L*CH = 92.173 0.876 164.100
CIE-L*uv = 92.173 -1.065 0.518
HunterLab = 90.052 -5.636 5.126

Color 5 Info of Quarma Color Palette

Web safe = #CCCCCC
RGB 0-255 = 207.00 212.00 208.00
RGB 0-FF = CF D4 D0
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.81176 0.83137 0.81569
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.18824 0.16863 0.18431
CMYK % = 2.358 0.000 1.887 16.863
XYZ = 60.661 64.906 69.006
Yxy = 64.906 0.31176 0.33358
CIE-L*ab = 84.435 -2.425 1.372
CIE-L*CH = 84.435 2.786 150.498
CIE-L*uv = 84.435 -2.591 2.498
HunterLab = 80.565 -6.587 5.612

Color 6 Info of Quarma Color Palette

HTTP = #778667
Web safe = #669966
RGB 0-255 = 119.00 134.00 103.00
RGB 0-FF = 77 86 67
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.46667 0.52549 0.40392
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.53333 0.47451 0.59608
CMYK % = 11.194 0.000 23.134 47.451
XYZ = 18.581 21.951 16.090
Yxy = 21.951 0.32816 0.38768
CIE-L*ab = 53.975 -11.429 14.911
CIE-L*CH = 53.975 18.787 127.471
CIE-L*uv = 53.975 -7.164 21.336
HunterLab = 46.852 -11.201 12.436

Color 7 Info of Quarma Color Palette

HTTP = #031312
Web safe = #000000
RGB 0-255 = 3.00 19.00 18.00
RGB 0-FF = 03 13 12
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.01176 0.07451 0.07059
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.98824 0.92549 0.92941
CMYK % = 84.211 0.000 5.263 92.549
XYZ = 0.380 0.529 0.654
Yxy = 0.529 0.24292 0.33837
CIE-L*ab = 4.776 -5.038 -1.124
CIE-L*CH = 4.776 5.162 192.577
CIE-L*uv = 4.776 -3.108 -0.319
HunterLab = 7.272 -3.407 -0.245

Color 8 Info of Quarma Color Palette

HTTP = #255350
Web safe = #336666
RGB 0-255 = 37.00 83.00 80.00
RGB 0-FF = 25 53 50
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.14510 0.32549 0.31373
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.85490 0.67451 0.68627
CMYK % = 55.422 0.000 3.614 67.451
XYZ = 5.304 7.159 8.692
Yxy = 7.159 0.25073 0.33841
CIE-L*ab = 32.166 -16.541 -3.070
CIE-L*CH = 32.166 16.824 190.513
CIE-L*uv = 32.166 -18.793 -1.679
HunterLab = 26.756 -11.438 -0.531

Color 9 Info of Quarma Color Palette

HTTP = #555249
Web safe = #666633
RGB 0-255 = 85.00 82.00 73.00
RGB 0-FF = 55 52 49
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.33333 0.32157 0.28627
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.66667 0.67843 0.71373
CMYK % = 0.000 3.529 14.118 66.667
XYZ = 7.966 8.447 7.514
Yxy = 8.447 0.33294 0.35303
CIE-L*ab = 34.897 -0.569 5.718
CIE-L*CH = 34.897 5.747 95.685
CIE-L*uv = 34.897 2.199 6.909
HunterLab = 29.064 -1.935 5.016

Color 10 Info of Quarma Color Palette

HTTP = #93AEB9
Web safe = #9999CC
RGB 0-255 = 147.00 174.00 185.00
RGB 0-FF = 93 AE B9
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.57647 0.68235 0.72549
CMY 0-0.1 = 0.42353 0.31765 0.27451
CMYK % = 20.541 5.946 0.000 27.451
XYZ = 35.926 39.978 51.722
Yxy = 39.978 0.28149 0.31324
CIE-L*ab = 69.454 -6.821 -8.717
CIE-L*CH = 69.454 11.069 231.958
CIE-L*uv = 69.454 -14.548 -12.035
HunterLab = 63.228 -9.227 -4.241

Below we present you the templates that use Quarma Color Palette as color theme!