Smart ways for business income growth
There is a specific tactic that can lead a business to cope with difficult times. This is the aggressive policy. What most do, but only a few, with very good results. When most businesses hold a defensive stance, then those who act aggressively win against them. They gain more market share, earn more customers, and better achieve their goals. For the remainder, there is a gradual fall to the point of cessation. In every crisis period or generally in any period of economic distress, those who chose the aggressive policy not only resisted the blows of the crisis but managed to grow as their financial figures indicate.
Aggressive policy can be summarized in the following actions:
- Increase marketing actions. Advertise your product and service to an excessive extent. Money may be less, but the world still needs.
- Take care of your best customers. Give them even more time and see how you can help them with the problems they are experiencing during this period.
- Get rid of people directly who do not work for you, but they work against you. Do not wait any longer.
- Reduce unnecessary costs to what is absolutely necessary, leaving untouchable advertising and marketing costs. These enhance even more! Reduce those costs that will not affect the quality of your product or service.
- Give more value to your product and service. Do not lower their values.
- Take advantage of the subsidized programs currently in force.
- Start collaborations with other businesses. Be sure to offer more and more complete solutions to your customers.
- Get away from your environment the people who land you, whether they are inside or outside of your business. People, when you communicate them with a new idea or a new plan to follow, tell you that it will not work and that things are difficult.
- Invest your staff. Educate them to do their job better, more efficiently and faster.
- Recruit competent staff to help you in sales and marketing. There are many capable people in the market that will work in your business. See how they can start working with rates without burdening your business at extra cost.
- Have your staff work even more and more targeted.
- Give your staff more of your own tasks and invest your time in more aggressive business development actions.
- Drive the outstanding balances more actively. Otherwise, others who chase them better than you will be paid first.
- Create new sources of income. Find out what new product or service you can sell to your customers.
- Use the technology. It’s time to get involved with the internet and its many applications like facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
- Do not compromise. This is very important. Increase production rate. Increase production goals. You must disagree, not agree with the situation.
- Encourage your customers to introduce new customers. Find what it is that you want and make an offer.
- Contact the banks today and settle. Do not let time pass. You will not only be able to negotiate better, but you will be distracted by the constant phone calls for unpaid installments.
- Make sure the customer leaves happy with you. Not simply satisfied. You want to talk about you and be your best ambassador.
- Do not wait to give you an order. Ask her! Do not wait for the customer to decide. Give him more data and sell it. Talk to him as much as you need to decide and end up buying from you.
- Negotiate with all public services. Do what you need to get the settlement or setting that suits your needs.
- Do not forbear the stance of some who exploit the crisis to make a profit against you.
- Inquire more about the product or service that best suits your needs. Do not just look for the cheap one. Very often the low price hides costs that you can not see at first glance. Better to pay for something more expensive today than to pay cheaper tomorrow.
- Make better deals with your customers. See how you can help them in the price by changing the payment terms or services you provide them.
- Do not forget the customers that support you. Thank them in practice. Do not take them for granted, especially at this time.
- Recognize the work of your staff. You may not be able to increase, but you can recognize your work and commitment in other ways.
- Build an effective income policy. Make first income and then spend it.
- Be consistent with your promises.
- If you are thinking of starting a new business, keep your costs down. You do not have to rent expensive offices and equipment. Invest in what will actually bring you money, namely yourself and your staff.
- Be informed correctly. Consult someone who knows the subject of your activity, your accountant or a business consultant.
- Make friends with positive people in your spare time. It may be minimal, you do not need to absorb it negatively.
- Create new ways to attract customers. Go on!
- Read some relevant book with what you are concerned about. You will not be aware of the scandal of the media and of the political panels.
- Get rid of a headache caused by bad customers.
- Make sure your customers are impressed when they see you when you talk to them on the phone when you present your business through your website or via an email marketing strategy.
- Serve your customers faster.
- Talk to your accountant about how you can pay less to the tax office. What moves should you take to reduce your taxes?
- Change partners that do not keep pace with your rhythms. Outside of your business is a battle. Not only your staff, but your collaborators should support you. Hunt customers, not co-workers, to do their job.
- Change your thinking about finding customers. The seasons that customers have come to expect have passed. As long as you have an old company, today’s time requires your own active participation to reach an ever larger potential clientele, coming from wherever possible! You need to do everything they need to find you more easily.
- Maximize your online business visibility. At this time, you should not only have a good presence on the internet but also your business. If your website does not bring you, customers, create a new one. Do not compromise on what she has to do with her image. A lot of work is waiting for you to increase your traffic as well as the conversion rate of your visitors to prospective customers.
- Ask your clients to tell you about their complaints. Better to tell them to you than to tell them to third parties. So you can do something and fix it. Otherwise, you will never know why they stopped working with you and you are trying to find out possible reasons that have been removed.
By following some of these actions listed above, everyone who will have pursued an aggressive policy of restructuring, growth, outreach, and coordination for his business, will have managed to create the most favorable conditions for the sustainability of his business.